Our day in COUrt

On Monday (31JAN2022) starting at 9:30 a.m. our Motion for Preliminary Injunction to immediately re-open the Great Highway, JFK and MLK will be decided upon by the JUDGE handling our case.
It's vital we show up in number to support our Attorney but also to show the JUDGE there are many people that support the re-opening of all these roads in San Francisco.
So with that said, we need everyone who supports the lawsuit and OTGH to attend this hearing.
Our Attorney is asking for supporters to join the hearing at 9:15 AM.
Our hearing will be no earlier than 9:30 AM, and it will happen sometime after 9:30 AM, depending on how many other things are on the docket.
Meeting Information
Law & Motion, Department 302 Daily at 9:30 a.m.
If unable to join using the link above, the hearings may be joined by telephone by dialing +1 669 900 6833 and entering the meeting ID and password below.
Meeting ID: 862 4684 9687 Passcode: 490158
When joining the ZOOM Meeting, they will be asking for your name and email address.
Please identify yourself as:
"Your Name -- OBSERVER (supporting Great Hwy Alliance)"
John Smith - OBSERVER (supporting Great Hwy Alliance)
The Court and the Judge will know how many supporters are in attendance.
Our legal battles are far from over with the city when it comes to these illegal street closures.
Please join the fight by making a contribution to the cause!